New work

I’ve just completed a new oil painting which I’ve called “Burrows”. It is based on an abandoned building I often pass just outside Stafford. Earlier this year I parked up near the building and took a few reference photos to work on back at the studio. I really like the way nature takes over the spaces we leave behind and the contrast between the worn surfaces of the building and the plant life surrounding it. I started this earlier on in the year, put it on hold for a while and then carried on more recently to bring it to completion. Sometimes it’s good to take a break mid way through as it gives you a fresh perspective. You can find ‘Burrows’ in the ‘Abandoned Spaces’ section of the website.

Sandonia III

In 2021 I completed a pencil drawing of the old Sandonia building in Stafford. Since then it has sat in my studio and I almost forgot about it. I looked at it again the other day and decided to work into it some more, adding textures and darker tones to some of the areas. The changes have made it a stronger piece of work and I’m now happy.

The Sandonia is another example of a distinctive building being left to fall apart. Someone at some point began to knock it down but then stopped part way through the job. So we’re now left with a big hole down the side which reveals some of the interior.

Will it be pulled down or repaired? We’ll have to wait and see.

You can view ‘Sandonia III’ in the ‘Abandoned Spaces’ section of this website.

Abandoned Spaces

Thank you to to everyone that attended the private view for my ‘Abandoned Spaces’ exhibition at ACAVA Spode Works Studios, Stoke on Trent. It was great to see all the pictures on the walls as a collection and see how the different pieces worked together. I am hoping that through the drawings and paintings, people will be able to appreciate and understand what I find so inspiring in places such as these. From a conventional point of view, derelict buildings are not beautiful but when you stop and look more closely, these places do have something to say. The rich variety of textures and the way nature takes over the space is fascinating and inspiring. There is also a sense of stillness which can be very calming.

I will be at the exhibition space on Friday 3rd March working on a new drawing. Do pop down and say hello and I will show you around the work.